Motorola MOTO X 개봉기 - Opening
페덱스가 어제 저녁에 꽁꽁 언 빙판길을 헤치고 모토X를 배달해 주고 갔다. 배송조회 웹사이트에서 배송완료 소식을 보고 눈누난나~ 받으러 왔으나 반가운 페덱스 박스는 없고... 페덱스는 그짓말쟁이~!를 외치며 다녔으나 오늘 아침에 보니 누군가 대신 수령하고 안전한 비밀의 방에 넣어놓은걸 모르고 페덱스 탓을 했으니.... 페덱스 미안.... 좀비 아포칼립스에도 배송해준다는 너를 의심한건 나의 잘못이야.... 각설하고;; 어젯밤에 도착한 모토X이나 오늘 받고 열어보게된 이야기 이다.
Last night, Fedex came through totally frozen road and put the package of MOTO X down. When I saw the shipping status completed on the website, I stopped by main building to take the package but I didn't see any packages on reception desk so that I blamed Fedex that told a lie of shipping status. But this morning I knew somebody took the package and put it in some sort of secret chamber so I felt sorry to Fedex...I'm sorry Fedex for not believing that Fedex shall deliver any thing even under the Zombie Apocalypse. By the way, this is a story of opening package that I got in this morning.
받아든 페덱스 박스에 비하면 모토X 박스는 '이건 뭥믜?' 할 정도로 작다. 개인적인 느낌은 갤넥을 받았을 때보다 작은 느낌.
The Fedex Package I got was quite big but the package of Moto X... I felt "What a small!' Personally, It seems smaller than the package of Galaxy Nexus I bought in 2012.
두유 팩과 비교해보니 얼마나 작은지 느낌이 온다.
Comparing with a pack of soy milk tells how small it is.
Last night, Fedex came through totally frozen road and put the package of MOTO X down. When I saw the shipping status completed on the website, I stopped by main building to take the package but I didn't see any packages on reception desk so that I blamed Fedex that told a lie of shipping status. But this morning I knew somebody took the package and put it in some sort of secret chamber so I felt sorry to Fedex...I'm sorry Fedex for not believing that Fedex shall deliver any thing even under the Zombie Apocalypse. By the way, this is a story of opening package that I got in this morning.
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모토X 박스다. 작다. This is the package of Moto X. Small. |
The Fedex Package I got was quite big but the package of Moto X... I felt "What a small!' Personally, It seems smaller than the package of Galaxy Nexus I bought in 2012.
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190ml 두유 팩과 크기 비교 Compare shot between Moto X and 6.4 FL. oz of Soy Milk |
Comparing with a pack of soy milk tells how small it is.
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뒷면 Back side of Moto X |
박스를 열자마자 보이는 뒷면이다. 뒷면은 체리색, 버튼 및 카메라 주변은 노란색으로 해줬다.(요즘 빨강에 꽂혀서;;;)
The back side of Moto X as opening the package. Back color is cherry and button and around camera is yellow. (Recently I became to like Red color.)
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전면 Front side of Moto X |
전면은 고민하다 흰색으로 결정.
I decided to make front side white after thinking which color is the best for a while.
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구성품 Stuff inside |
구성품은 심플한 메뉴얼, 충전기, 케이블, 심 제거핀 그리고 모토X 본체안에 T-Mobile 나노심 한개이다. 어차피 난 Straight Talk을 사용중이므로 T-Mobile 심카드는 봉인.
이어폰 안껴준거에는 실망 -_- 그거 몇푼이나 한다고....
These are the stuff inside which are simple manual, charger, Micro USB cable, SIM slot opener and T-Mobile nano sim card inside Moto X. But I'm using Straight Talk so I sealed T-Mobile SIM.
I'm disappointed that they didn't put earset inside....It's not too expensive...
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